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[ JBL ] 의 3가지 iF Design 2020 Award수상작품, 무선BT이어셋

by The News 2020. 2. 18.

Nikola Sretovic • 2nd

Senior Industrial Designer at Harman International

5d • Edited •

3 x IF DESIGN AWARD! I am proud and beyond amazed to announce that JBL LIVE 300TWS, JBL LINK MUSIC and JBL LINK PORTABLE projects led by me as Sr Industrial Designer won 3 iF DESIGN AWARDS! Congratulations to the team and everyone else involved in such successful design journey! Stay tuned!

iF Design 2020 Awarded JBL-1

iF Design 2020 Awarded JBL-2

iF Design 2020 Awarded JBL-3

@ 좀 특별한 바이러스살균소독제= 손/ 코/ 눈 (체외피부) 전신소독   
                                           +초기감염증상의심시 마셔서 체내 살균소독
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                                           [무독성, 무자극,무-부작용 (부작용제로)]=유아/어린이/임산부/노인 안심사용

                                           더 자세한 내용= 아래 이미지 클릭 !!



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